Tuesday 15 December 2009

Monday 30 November 2009

Music Festival Headliners?

Rumours are circulating that two of the biggest rock festivals have already decided on their headliners for next summers shows.

Download festival is rumoured to have AC/DC, Metallica and Green Day.
AC/DC have said they would love to play at donnington park for what could prove to be their last ever tour. They would fit in well with the classic rock day that was such a huge success this year when Def Leppard headlined.

Metallica are ALWAYS at a UK festival, they have played every year since 2003 and last appeared at download in 2006 when they played their epic album Master of Puppets in its entirity. They are hugely popular and like AC/DC would go down a storm.

Green Day havent played a UK festival since Reading and Leeds in 2004 and with stadium dates in June, it seems very likely that they will play. Perhaps they will headline the Friday with punk rock being the theme of the main stage, other bands such as Blink 182, could also play under them.

Sonisphere Festival plan to announce their headliners before christmas and they have apparently got German metal band Rammstein and legends Iron Maiden.

Rammstein have been rumoured for festivals in the UK for a long time and were due to play Download last year before pulling out and causing a last minute booking of the offspring. However, i dont think they will draw a big crowd considering that they are a German singing band, it would alienate some people. Not a brilliant choice in my opinion.

Iron Maiden are quite simply the biggest metal band in the world. Fact.
They rarely play festivals and their announcement would cause the sunday to sell out in minutes. If this rumour is true, i predict a brilliant show.

Modern Warfare 2 Review

It’s here. The game that is going to suck up hours of millions of people’s lives and create a bigger impact in sick days than the swine flu virus. Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) is quite simply one of the best games of all time.

Developers Infinity Ward have really excelled themselves. The realism is phenomenal, no longer do the enemies shoot at you as soon as you move into their “area” they have to actually spot you and they don’t know where you are if you manage to find a safe hiding spot. SAS hero Andy Mcnabb has critically acclaimed the soldier’s movement, claiming it to be “perfect”.

MW2 has three main modes to play, Campaign, multiplayer and special ops. The special ops is a new feature implemented into the game which will keep die-hard fan’s playing to get hundred percent on the challenging missions. The campaign mode sees you playing as both a US elite ranger and a British SAS member. The plot is typically ridiculous but it moves at a lightning fast pace that keeps the player glued to the screen. There are more explosions and action pieces than every other shooter put together and they look utterly incredible.

The critically acclaimed multiplayer mode has undergone minor changes and is still as addictive as ever. Perhaps the best new feature is that if the host loses connection or quits in a strop because he is losing, the game will find the best suitable host and restart the game after a short pause. Player’s now have the ability to alter their “kill streaks.” You can now unlock streaks up to 25 kills, if you are skilled enough to reach that.

All told, this game offers it all. High adrenaline action. A gripping plot and unrivalled multiplayer brilliance. Modern Warfare 2 has impacted on the gaming world like an explosion from a harrier airstrike. It is the game of the year and probably, the greatest game ever made.

breaking news!

radio news by user5235013

Thursday 22 October 2009

Pro Evolution Soccer 10 review

"I m a pes player"
"I m a fifa player"

Both of these are common phrases in the world of football gaming and over the years Pro Evolution Soccer has almost always come out on top, but since the new generation of consoles came out, Fifa has stolen the crown off of PES, the question is, can it retain that crown?

Well the answer is yes and by a 4-0 margin.

Fifa hasn't really changed much from last year, all EA have added is the new 360 degree movement of players, updated the manager mode, updated the teams and errr that's about it really.
Whereas PES has over gone a complete overhaul with vastly improved graphics, champions league compatibility in the much talked of master league and harder gameplay, but have these improvements made a difference? In short, no

You see, PES still suffers from the same problems from the last few years. The first is that you can still use "runners" This is a name given to a player such as Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo or Thierry Henry. Basically you can run down the wing with these players, take the ball past the defenders with such ease you wonder if they actually have been programmed to defend, cross the ball in and score. Simple. Despite Konami claiming they have stopped the "soft goals" and made it harder to score, they haven't. Just 22 seconds into the game i was playing and a ball from Messi on the right was shot at goal by Iniesta, Reina saved it but parried it straight to Henry, all i had to do was tap the ball in but Carragher looked like he d block the ball on the goal line but he didn't, he just let me walk the ball into the net. Far too easy

The master league doesn't grab my attention in anyway now like it used to, its gotten boring and needs an overhaul, the champions league was already in the game, just called the WEFA cup for licensing reasons so its nothing new.

OK the graphics have improved greatly but Fifa's are far better and they still have trouble in a 1080P setting.

Don't get me wrong, if you don't like Fifa then this is a perfectly good football sim, but its just lost its soul, its passion, its realism. That is what set it apart from Fifa back in its prime. Without it i have to say this.

I am now a Fifa player

Pros - Improved Graphics, simple, slick gameplay, improved tactical abilities

Cons - Addresses none of the flaws that all the previous next generation games had, Master league is still in need of a re-haul, too many soft goals

Overall : 6/10

Tuesday 6 October 2009

The battle of the strikers

Drogba or Torres. Who is better?
Some say Torres is a far better finisher and is quicker yet Drogba has much more power and is better in the air.
The game on sunday gave us a chance to see who would dominate the game and it was clear who won.

Drogba set up both Chelsea goals and was a constant nuisance to Liverpool's defence, and also Rafa Benitez who really has no way of dealing with him when he plays against his team.
The Drog, out-muscled Carragher and Skrtel on numerous occasions and they couldn't deal with his pace and power.

Torres on the other hand was brilliantly marked by John Terry who fustrated El Nino so much that all he could do was moan to the referee, he couldnt get into the game and barely had a sniff of goal.

You cant keep Drogba out of the game, that is why he is a world class striker. Yes he dives and is theatrical but he will always be in the game. Torres is in the game for 70 minutes, then his head drops and he gets fustrated. This is why at the moment, i believe Drogba to have the edge over Torres and say he is the best striker in the premiership

Monday 5 October 2009

knife crime, i ll deal with it

David Cameron has said this week that he wants to imprison people who carry knives for 1 year, most people will be thinking about time but i see a problem.
With an appeal, it will probably go down to 6 months and then the person will serve 30 minutes before getting released due to "good behavior"

I ve got a solution to this, 5 years for carrying a knife and its doubled if you appeal, there will be no let offs if you are good, its a prison not school so good behavior will not be rewarded, it will put a stop to knife crime for sure

Tuesday 29 September 2009

The FA cup, time for a rethink?

The FA cup is magical, it captivates everything about English football, the passion, the joy and the sheer excitement of playing in the competition. Its probably the best competition in the world, but it has one flaw, the qualifying system.

As a local team follower in my early days i was lucky to see my local team Slough Town, play in the 1st round on a few occasions, probably the best was when they beat Paul Merson's Walsall 2-1.
Then i didn't know just how long it takes to qualify properly for this cup, now i do.
I now follow Burnham FC and a few years ago the club embarked on a historic FA Cup run, they started off in the preliminary round of qualifying and played an incredible 7 games to get through to the 1st round proper and this is the problem. Should teams have to get through 5 rounds of arduous matches to reach the 1st round? And when a team gets to the 4th qualifying round, the conference teams get added who often knock out the smaller non league teams.

I think the conference teams should be in the 1st round proper automatically, and that there should be just 3 qualifying rounds, this way you would get more fairytale stories and get more people into local football. Perfect.
Any opinions? Let me know

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Welcome to my blog! Over the coming weeks i will be discussing all the sporting controversies, happenings and news as well as some entertainment news. Enjoy :)